A Call For Unity – Prof. Joshua Alabi

Comrades of the NDC, The elections of our Regional Executives have come to a successful end and there is no shred of doubt about how peaceful and admirable the exercise has been.
I wish to congratulate all aspirants who found favour in the eyes of our loyal delegates to be elected to the various executive positions at the regional level. The journey begins today. The journey to reorganize the party to present itself as the viable alternative to the current regime has just started
Let us not forget that as leaders, our actions portray the image, character, and soul of our Great NDC. It is a call to duty. It is a call to service. Your election into office should reinforce those attributes that carried you to victory.
To all aspirants who could not get elected, I say, congratulations for putting yourselves up to be chosen to serve. You are the reason we had such smooth and incident-free elections. Do not feel downhearted. You ran a good race and our great party, and its democratic ideals have been strengthened by your participation in the competition of ideas.
There certainly were some heated points where some aspirants might have out of enthusiasm and exuberance, gone overboard by their actions or inactions.

There certainly evolved some camps and factions. There were spots of disagreements and pockets of differences. But today, all must end. The successful end to these elections, spells the end of the factions, camps, and groups. Let us all rally under the umbrella as one family knitted closely together by our resolve to rescue this great nation of Ghana from the state we have today.
Where integrity reigns, there is no space for disorder and chaos, because fairness, justice and impartiality abound.
The National Democratic Congress has a rich history of organizing peaceful internal elections, and this year, we have no reason to depart from that enviable path. The competition should end with only one victor- the great NDC. Any other victory is meaningless unless it is achieved for the promotion of the growth and wellbeing of the NDC party- the only real alternative to the current regime.

 In this vein, it is my fervent hope that the election of our National Executives will follow the commendable example of the regional level elections. There is no gainsaying that   the NDC party is blessed with great individuals who have the capacity to transform the fortunes of our great nation and resuscitate her sinking fortunes. Let us be reminded of this task, which should guide all our future actions.
Posterity has placed on us the duty to rescue this nation. It is a task we cannot fail. That task starts from our regional and national elections. May all our actions during and after our internal elections inspire hope in the nation about our readiness for this task.  
Best wishes to all aspirants.
God bless the NDC

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