Asante Bediatuo’s Father and Julius Atikpui Allegedly Freeze Announcement Of GIMPA SRC Presidential Election Results

Immediate past Chairman of the Governing Council of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Mr. Kofi Asante Darko, has been fingered in an impasse that has choke-held the announcement of results of an election for a new Students Representative Council (SRC) president and executives.

Mr. Darko, who is father to the Executive Secretary to President Akufo-Addo, is said to have achieved the chokehold through the Registrar of the Institute, Julius Atikpui.

Mr. Atikpui, is said to have directed the IT Department of GIMPA not to release the election results after the election had been conducted on Friday, 25th June, 2021.

And the chokehold is said to be because it is believed that the candidate who had won to become the new SRC President of GIMPA is not a stooge who will divert students money to Atikpui.

GIMPA SRC Presidency has been held by known stooge of Julius Atikpui who have always emblezzed funds for the past three years and Atikpui is given his quota and every orchestration was used in Friday’s election to ensure that the tradition continued.

However, snippets of information from the students indicates that the tradition was broken because the person who won is not Atikpui’s loyalist.

For Atikpui, the debacle that he has allegedly created kills two birds with one stone for him – first he is said to be a dyed-in-the-wool NPP man and a corrupt man within the GIMPA Administration and so frustrating the assumption of the Presidency by someone who is not corrupt and NPP is in service to his beloved party.

Second, Atikpui, who is also the Secretary of the School is said to be due for retirement next in few months and he is allegedly hoping to leverage his connections in the NPP to have his contract extended by the Akufo-Addo government.

Meanwhile, Faculty and Senior members of GIMPA are said to be unhappy with the administration of Atikpui who they have named ‘Sasabosam’ due to his diabolic and corrupt behaviour in handing affairs.

The GIMPA Governing Council, which Nana Asante Bediatuo’s father served on has been dissolved, and so Mr. Kofi Asante Darko’s alleged remote control of things on campus has especially rumped up annoyance against his alleged pedal on campus, Mr. Julius Atikpui.

Meanwhile, Mr. Julius Atikpui has been blamed for abetting the corrupt administration of the 2018/2019 past president of the SRC, Joseph Osei, which was fined Ghc190,000 for allegedly embezzling SRC money.

After the fine, Atikpui is said to have scuttled legal requirements and released the certificates of members of the Joseph Osei and his alleged accomplices in the embezzlement when the school was supposed to keep their certificates until they paid up the money.

Julius Atikpui is also said to have endorsed the corruption in the erstwhile Benjamin Ansah’s SRC administration in 2019/2020, where students monies was emblezzed without a single project to show.

The unpopular Benjamin Ansah have recently been in the news for the wrong reason after he touted the non-existent four-storey building hostel which he claimed to have built for GIMPA students to the Chief Executive Officer of Petroleum Commission, Elbert Faibille in early 2020 before the coronavirus pandemic.

It is not clear how much the Petroleum Commission gave Benjamin Ansah on that visit, however, the supposed four-storey building hostel that he partly used to dazzle journalist cum lawyer Egbert Faibille Jr does not exist. Faibille over a decade ago challenged the then Rector of GIMPA, Stephen Adei in court over his Professorship and one wonders how he sat down for the small boys students to outsmart him.

Benjamin Ansah is also facing questions over the embezzlement of the SRC funds, some GHc35,000 of which he is alleged to have doled out to his girlfriend [name withheld].

Already, Ansah is said to be facing investigation from the school’s authorities with his certificate under impoundment, over alleged embezzlement of money belonging to the SRC.

Attempts to contact the embattled Secretary of GIMPA, Julius AtiKpui, a fortnight ago was frustrated by him as he refused to pick his phone calls at first, and when he eventually picked, he asked our correspondent to call him back and send questioneers but subsequent calls were not picked and the text and WhatsApp messages were not replied and the correspondent whatsapp number blocked.

Watch out for part 2 of 12

More Anon!!!

By: John Jack

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