American Enterprenuer Launches “12 Principle” Disciples to Fight Youth Unemployment

An American entrepreneur, John Wick Nathan has waded into the Ghana’s rising unemployment situation among the youth.

John Wick Nathan’s book which was launched on Wednesday in Accra to teach young people steps to their success path.

The book titled “12 Principles of Sourlful Success” seeks to change narrative of not lending helping hand to the needy in society.

The struggling path of success, as John Wick stated during a review of the book, indicated that success does not involve money but commitment and sacrifice is all one needs to climb the ladder.

Wick Nathan related some chapters of the book to his own story, how he struggled his way up and got inspired by his sister, which made him a multi billion dollar CEO of a company.

As part of his social corporate responsibility, Wick Nathan expressed interest to embark on a mental health awareness campaign.

This campaign according to him, would include building of structures and renovating mental health facilities such as the Pantang hospital.


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