Minister Using Dirty ForceTo Grab Land At La

The embattled Member of Parliament MP for Techiman South and former Deputy Minister for Regional Reorganization and Development Hon. Martin Adjei – Mensah Korsah has become the talk of town at Tsado, a suburb of La in the Greater Accra Region, after he used land guards to invade a private land in a show of force aimed at forcibly taking the land from its owners.

Hon. Martin Adjei Korsah stormed the private land somewhere last year with landguards to take over the piece of land belonging to Madam Lydia Forson and started developing it.

And the reason for that act of using force is that he is interested in the land at that prime area for his private residence.

Mr. Martin is said to have also shown airs indicating that if the owner tries to make any attempt on the land then he will release his attack dogs on that person., along with a number of journalists did not get through directly to Mr. Martin Adjei-Mensah but workers there have confirmed working for the Minister.

According to the facts of the matter, the land in question belongs to Dr. Benjamin Adu & Dr. Mrs. Roselyn Abbiw-Jackson who then sold to Madam Lydia Forson in 2016.

A land title registration covering the land shows that the 0.13 hectare parcel situated at East La Dadekotopon was acquired in the 2007.

However, for some time the land has not been used by the owners that catches the eye of the Minister.

Then last year, Mr. MartinAdjei-Mensah Korsah became covetous towards the land.

Subsequently, Lydia Forson decided fo wall around the piece of land to protect it.

But this could not stop the Deputy and as such deployed his macho men with the support of some military men.

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