Akufo-Addo’s Bodyguard Using Dirty ForceTo Grab Land At Alajo

One of the personal bodyguards of President Akufo-Addo has become the talk of town at Alajo, a suburb of Accra, after he used land guard to invade a private land in a show of force aimed at forcibly taking the land from its owners.
Mr. Mohammed Kwaku Quaye stormed the private land at 1am on January 18th and demolished a hedge-wall erected around the land.
And the reason for that act of vandalism is that he is interested in the land and wants to buy it by force from its owners.
Mr. Quaye is said to have also shown airs indicating that if the owner does not succumb and sell the land to him then he will seize the land and occupy it by force.
Thealhajj.com, along with a number of journalists did not get through directly to Mr. Quaye because he is also the Chief of Alajo under the stool name Nii Armah Adjor ll. Rather, it was his Chief Priest, Nii Ayikai Aryeh Ayi-Bonte, who responded.
Nii Ayi-Bonte is the personification of sauciness, as the man insulted the enquiring journalists for daring to ask for the Alajo chief’s side of the story.
“You are very stupid; you can go ahead and write anything you like,” he said in a very uncouth tirade that blatantly refused to speak to the issue of the Alajo chief’s attempt to grab a piece of land from a private owner by force.
According to the facts of the matter, the land in question belongs to the family of one Josephine Kuevi who is now late.
A land title registration covering the land shows that the 0.07 hectare parcel, of number, 110 Block 15, section 008 is a freehold that was acquired in the 60s.
It is delineated on the land Title Registry map with No.003/008/1988. However, for some time the land has been used by squatters with the consent of the land owner’s family.
Then last year, Mr. Mohammed Kwaku Quaye, said to be a brother of Sheikh I.C. Quaye, became covetous towards the land. He is said to have told his Linguist to convey to the family, his interest in the land and his decision to acquire it for the construction of a palace.
The family is said to have told the Chief that they were not interested in selling the land as it is a family heirloom.
Subsequently, lawyers for the family advised them to raise a wall around the piece of land, which they did.
However, on 4th December, 2020, the Akufo-Addo bodyguard cum Alajo Chief sent land guards in the middle of the night to demolish the wall erected around the land.
He would later demand that the land owners come for a meeting with him to discuss the acquisition of the land.
The family reiterated that they were not interested in selling the land as it is an heirloom, and following the advice of their Lawyer, took the cost incurred from the destruction of the first wall in their stride and rebuilt the wall.
On 18th December, the Alajo Chief sent his boys again to the place at 1am, after midnight to demolish the re-built wall again.
This portal got to hear about the issue from a source at Alajo who has alleged that this is what the Alajo Chief has been doing and that recently he similarly tried to forcibly seize a parcel of land belonging to another family at Shiashie in Accra.
When the Kuevi family was contacted, they confirmed the demolishment but said they were going to contact their lawyers over the issue.
It was in attempt to get the side of the Alajo Chief that his Chief priest, Ayi-Bonte rained insults on the media.