La Imams Sensitized on Stigmatization And Discrimination Against People Living With HIV/Aids

As part of efforts to prevent the spread of HIV/Aids within the catchment areas of Accra, some Imams were taken through sensitization programme to help educate their various communities in the La Dadekotopon Municipality of the Greater Accra Region on Thursday.

It is also aimed at bringing HIV/Aids education to the door steps of community and religious leaders at selected areas within the Region.

The USAID funded People for Health Project with SEND Ghana seeks to reduce the number of stigmatization and discrimination against person living with HIV/Aids.

In an interview with this portal, the Coordinator of the project and chief Executive Officer of Concern Health Education Ghana, Mr. Isaac Ampomah explained that the project falls under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

According to him, the level at which the HIV spreading among the youth calls for serious intervention by the stakeholders to put the necessary strategy in place.

One of the strategies, he said was to engage Imams, Pastors and other leaders so as to educate their followers on the dangers of the virus.

Mr. Ampomah advised members of the communities to get tested and know their HIV/Aids status in order to live a meaningful life.

“People should not be scared of the test, even if one is tested positive that does not mean he or she will die. The antiretroviral drugs are helping prolong the life of individuals who are HIV positive”, he stated.

On his part, the Greater Accra Regional GaDangme Tijaniya Jallo Chief and La dade kotopon muslim community chief Imam Alhaji Ibrahim Tijanj Mensah urged Muslims to take education of Stigmatization and discrimination seriously.

He said most at time if such situation happens in a family where the husband has more than one wife and one of them is infected with the disease, the stigmatization and discrimination has been nothing to write home about.

He therefore called on Muslims husband to exercise restraints in dealing with such a situation in other not to create more damage to the victim.

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