Let’s Unite For Victory- NDC Female Youth Activist

An astute female youth activist of National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Wa West Constituency in the Upper West Region, Madam Yussif Maburuka has call on all ranks and files of the party, especially those who contested for the various regional positions and lost, to burry all the differences and unite for victory in 2024.

The young and energetic lady charged the party faithfuls to eschew all the differences and forge ahead in a united front to secure clean and clear victory in the 2024 polls.

Speaking to the Ghanaian Democrat.com in an exclusive telephone interview after the regional elections, she charged members of the party to be united than before and remain focused for that is the sure bet for the party to secure the victory in the 2024 general elections.

“There are millions of people in this party, each with uniqueness and opposing view on fundamental aspect of life. Normally, dissimilarities create division and occasional conflict. However, we tend to forget that all have one common goal – the betterment of the party, nation and it’s people. This is what brings forth unity.”, she schooled the members.

According to the affable young lady, opposing views are okey, it is quite easy to agree with others but it takes real strength and courage to respectfully disagree. “We truly gain more from unity among opposing views as there as thrice as many opinions, three times as many skills, four times as much information, five times as many opportunities and so one.” she sounded.

Madam Maburuka stated that though, many factors contribute to the overall development of a party, unity is the most vital.

She charged the party folks to stay together and help support one another in times of adversities and privileges’. “Unity is Strength” and “Unity we stand, divided we fall”, are common phrases and are true to their every word. “Can you really love a party without loving all it’s members?”, she rhetorically quizzed.

Story: Idris Ibn Mohammed

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