King Oyanka Gold Backed Royal NFT Exchanged For $12m Carbon Credits With World Second Largest Energy Company

The Royal council represented by King Oyanka and His Royal financial director Nii Adama Djata have signed a deal with the VP of Enercor and Vanguard Energy (the second largest company in the world) and they have given signed authority to the carbon credits from 1 of 10 oil leases located in Utah, USA that is equal to half a billion barrels of oil sands carbon credits. The oil carbon credits were offered tocreate a coin backed by each credit certificate. Exxon owns 8% of this project which is where the geology reports originated and also the head of the EPA (Environmental protection agency) is on the board. They have not been registered so we have to sell them at minimum price, but that is still Millions of dollars of Carbon Credits given from Exxon and we have the president as registered agent to Gigatonne LLC to verify.
This Deal was pending Final analysis of the oil leases from the head of the EPA.
On 2022-04-23 King Oyanka received 90% complete analysis on pending Final Analysis report from the Head of the EPA from Tar Sands in Utah (USA) As of
On 2022-04-24 Oyanka has received the final analysis report which officially Grants King Oyanka and his Traditional Royal Territories 12m Worth of Carbon Credits.
This came in the deal that saw The President of Exxon with the VP of Enercor and Vanguard Energy (the second largest energy company in the world) Acquiring King Oyanka Traditional Royal Bank Notes ( GLU NOTE) worth 12 Million Dollars Which also comes with Coin created for the new company called Giggaton Which can be identified on the blockchain chain network below
Giggaton.The Company representing the carbon coin on blockchain Transferred 12million worth of Carbon Credits that have been approved and assessed by the Royal Council Under King Oyanka. 12M Carbon Credits to sell at $5.00 minimum for a totally of $60M worth of Carbon Credits. So this means that minimum 60M is going to be sitting on the exchange with 5m immediately available for use .So the Royal Council has launched a world record deal to acquire and trade $12 in Exchange for Traditional Royal Banknotes in Value Given in just the oil resource.
This deal means that King Oyanka Council and Kingdoms have 12m dollars of carbon credits to sell and use .
What Next For King Oyanka and The Kingdom for Carbon Credits Business?
King Oyanka and his Business Director Nii Adama Djata, Chief Business Development, created the first carbon credit exchange Platform for Ghana and Africa.
We will let international partners exchange carbon credits here. This will yield millions of dollars income for us and I want everyone be part of this agenda and mission, Nii Oyanka noted. Carbon Credits are sold in a Market to Companies that need to offset their carbon footprint from all of the poisonous emmissions that come from their company factories and we will also be incorporating the carbon credits into the backing value of my gold coin,approved Anamase and Abola Royal Councils NFT bank notes , ubec-lp,or NibiruP-lp to be swapped for liquid coins on the multichain networks.