Royal Councils Suspend American Queen of Business Development

Anamase Royal Alliance Council and Abola Piam Council have suspended their American Queen of business development for misconducting herself and a act of gross disrespect towards the two Royal Councils.
A letter cited by this portal stated that her suspension takes effect from 17th November, 2021 to 2024 for 3 years.
According to the letter, she ceases to be the Development Queen Mother and should not hold herself as one.
The general public is advised against dealing with her in any form as she ceased to represent the two Royals.
Below is the full letter:
Dear Graciela Maria Blackstone “Also known as Naa Adarku Mansa 1”.
This letter constitutes official notice of your suspension from Tunnmaa We Royal Dynasty of the Ga State and Anamase Royal Alliance Council for three (3) years following your misconduct involving the recent Betrayal of Nii Ayitey Anumle Oyanka, Lieing about things that was never true and had no evidence and above all Secretly taking pictures of my check book to send persons outside personal business Jurisdictions.
Your recent unscrupulous behaviour and actions cannot be tolerated at this time, It Can cause great damage to the poor people of Ghana and Africa.
Anything can be forgiven but betraying a King who made you who u are today by putting you in the position u are today is unforgivable offense.
1.You lied to have Michael Alan Sheffield Suspended by the Council
- You lied about Oyanka-Nibiru Asset Management company trying to divert Kingdom funding into personal business when in truth this company was discussed and registered and the agenda was agreed by all parties which you were a part of and had nothing to do with any Traditional or Royal matters.
3.You You lied about been the signature to all Kingdom lands and assets and that you had my power. I gave u small power to become Queen of Development Development and no decision maker for the Kingdom. - You secretly tool my Oyanka Nibiru company check book, secretly took pictures and shared with with many lies and allegations that even those lies and allegations has nothing to do with those people.
- You lied about investing money into the Kingdom, you never invested any monies or offered any help to this Kingdom financially since your appointment except bringing different people who didn’t had anything to offer except waste our precious time for nothing.
The suspension takes effect from October 7, 2021 through November 8, 2024 respectively.
This action against you following evidence submitted to the Disciplinary Committee Department of the two aforementioned Royal Councils.
You are to stop speculating your self as Queen of Business Development, cease all agenda’s or Development regarding the development of Abola Piam Royal Council and Anamase Royål Alliance Council. As a Royal Traditional Council, our work requires that people comport themselves well to uphold and defend the various institutions and organisations/trusts they work with. Your behaviour in
“secretly taking pictures of my personal business account that has nothing to do with people or clients who has no business with my personal life and business only alarm the great danger and threat you
pose in holding your position as Queen of Business Development for Abola Piam Royal Council and Anamase Royal Alliance Council.
Your attitude is prohibited and a violation of these basic rules and considered as a serious misconduct.
As you know, this prohibition is specifically referenced in our work rules and in regulation 5-240-1 (c) (10) of the Department of Administrative Services which lists causes for dismissal.
Your Corporate Proxy letter Dated 17 December 2019 by King Ayitey Anumle Oyanka I to represent the Kingdom has also been Revoked Permanently.
I wish to reiterate the consideration that was made by my self 3 years ago when you secretly came to Ghana without my knowledge and got involved with chiefs and many politicians and ministers unprofessional caused the Kingdom a lot and my self had to stop and fight to defend and get your self cleared and out of trouble.
My Self and the Entire Councils has said we have seen enough of your messing and disgracing the traditional royals In Ghana and West Africa.