Distool Chiefs Who Openly Support Political Party Or Candidate – Manprusi Chief Advicates

The highten party politics in delivering good governance in largely blamed on traditional authorities across the country.
This is so because politicians have succeeded in buying the conscience of traditional leaders who are supposed to speak the truth to powers.
Bribing and extending of brown envelops to traditional leaders to support the government of the day has become a norm in our body politics.
Meanwhile sharing his views on the need to deliver good governance and holding leaders accountable, the Greater Accra Chief of Manprusi, Chief Mansuru has called for the removal of chiefs or traditional leaders involve in party politics.
According to him, keeping such individuals as chiefs will derail the development of the area.
“Remember that those who support political parties openly or their candidate cannot tell their parties the truth when their wrong”, he opined.
Chief Mansuru was speaking to thealhajj.com at the back stage during the coronation of Kpobiman Zango Chief over the weekend.
As a traditional leader, chief Mansuru said chiefs have to be neutral to be able to stamp on his authority.
He said the youth look up to those chuefs as their role models.
“Do you think if your people know the party you are supporting and you advise them, they will take your advice?”, he quizzes.
“Everybody has a party he or she likes but you don’t come out openly and support them, there are people who like party A or party B but declaring your stand you are pushing for division among your people”, chief added.
He therefore called on kingmakers and traditional authorities to step in to weed out such leaders who openly declare support for political parties or its candidate to serve as deterrent to others.
For him, the time has come for chiefs to speak truth to power irrespective of whoever is the leader of the country.
The silence of chiefs on government policies and programmes has negatively affected the country’s forward match.
He said chiefs must be seen criticising government when it goes wrong and at the same time credit it where it is due but not the other way round.