US Ambassador Calls on Ya-Na Abukari II in Accra

The United States Ambassador to Ghana, Ms. Virginia Palmer, has called on the King and Overlord of Dagbon, Ya-Na Abukari II at his residence in Accra.
The Ambassador was accompanied by Mission Director of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and other satff of the Embassy.
The two discussed issues of mutual concern and importance such as human rights, inter-ethnic co-existence, the maltreatment of alleged witchcraft suspects and peacebuilding in Dagbon, and Northern Ghana at large.
The Ya-Na expressed his profound appreciation to the Ambassador for the work of the U.S. Government agencies in Ghana especially, the USAID and Millennium Development Authority (MiDA) among others.
He commended the USAID for supporting the Dagbon Constitutional Review process, which the Overlord described as a new lease of life for the people of Dagbon.
His Majesty, indicated that peacebuilding among all people in Dagbon, including minority tribes in the Kingdom is a top priority of his agenda as the Ruler of the ancient Kingdom.
He therefore underscored the need for all and sundry to support his vision of United Dagbon at its peace with itself and its neighbors, in prosperity.
Ambassador Virginia Palmer praised the Overlord for his sterling leadership and efforts, describing him as an example of leadership for Africa traditional rulers.
She mentioned the need for women and young people to receive greater attention in the Overlord’s development priorities.
Ambassador Palmer was happy that the Ya-Na placed more emphasis in eliminating the banishment of women on alleged witchcraft and maltreatment of poor and vulnerable people on similar allegations.
She mentioned the readiness of the U.S. Embassy in working with the Office of the Ya-Na to undertake projects and programmes that will enhance the capacity of the people of Dagbon and also increase information flow to all people in the area to increase development.
Dalun Lana, Tapha Mahamadu III on behalf of His Majesty, the Ya-Na presented the 10-year Dagbon Strategic Development Plan to the Ambassador during the meeting.