GaDangme Youth Accuses GACL of Selective Justice

A group calling itself GaDangme Elites has taken a swipe at the Ghana Airport company Limited accusing it been selective selective.

They accused the company of deliberately targeting the CEO of McDan group of companies, Daniel Mackoley because of his tribal lineage and part of the President’s Akim family group.

The group also accused government of deliberately targeting GaDangme business moguls and tarnishing their hard won reputations.

In a statement released in Accra on Thursday accused the management of GACL of deliberate attempt to downplay the intelligence of the people by pretending not to be aware of the private lounch at the airport.

GaDangme Elites is therefore demanding answers to their 11 questions to the management of GACL.

Below is the full statement:


The Gadangme Elites are highly outraged by the actions of the Ghana Airports Company Limited in the issue concerning the Private Jet Lounge established by McDan and matters arising.

The Elites sees this single act as an attempt to once again gag another industrious Gadangme who has made it big in the private sector and aims at expanding his empire in the aviation industry which he has over 30 years’ experience.

There are visionaries and there are also visionary-achievers in which category McDan can be suitably placed. His passion for the Gadangme State and the economy of Ghana cannot be overemphasized.

There is a single fact that McDan is a Gadangme and has his leanings from La. The Airport Company is on Gadangme land and specifically La, Accra. Should we deny any industrious La man, who has gone through the mill and now qualifies as an Aviation expert from doing something for his people and country?

The Gadangme Elites needs an urgent answer to the following questions directed at the Management Board of the Ghana Airports Company led by Mr. Yaw Kwakwa.

  1. Who renovated the rejected Terminal 1 to its modern present state? Why did they lead him on if there were no initial agreement?
  2. Is McDan being targeted because he is a successful Gadangme businessman? Do we give the same treatment to persons from other tribes and their businessmen?
  3. Could this attempted embarrassment be done to a successful businessman from the tribe of the CEO, Mr. Yaw Kwakwa?
  4. Has Gadangmes done any wrong by peacefully accommodating all other tribes and hosting government business in the capital? Should this show of leniency be taken for our weakness?
  5. Has there been any contract between the Ghana Airport Company Limited and the McDan Aviation Lounge?
  6. Has there been any business proposal between McDan Aviation and the Ghana Airports Company Limited concerning a Private Jet Lounge?
  7. When first did the GACL see the operations of McDan Aviation in the Airport yard? What steps did they take at that early stage to halt it?
  8. Was the Airport Company oblivious of the activities of the McDan Aviation Lounge in their yard for the past few months? Who allowed them in? Is Ghana Airport that porous without security and management? Heads must start rolling.
  9. If that is not so, what happened to honesty, contract, and good faith? Is someone hiding something from the general public?
  10. Is there a corruption or bribery bit in this arrangement in which the latter’s failure to comply led to the deliberate pull-him-down attempt to humiliate him?
  11. Is the Private Jet Lounge necessary for the economic growth and employment boost of this country especially in the Gadangme Region? Is this targeted plot not an attack on the growth of private indigenous businesses?

The presence of the Traditional Leadership of the Gadangme State, the land which hosts the Airport, should have signaled the Ghana Airports Company Limited’s management of the full support of the Gadangme State to the project.

The Management of the GACL led by Mr. Yaw Kwakwa disregarded that. This is a big insult to the King and people of the Gadangme State and it shall not be taken lightly.

We are resolved to mobilize the youth from Ada to Waija in our next action if proper response is not given. The entire youth of the Gadangme State shall spit fire upon the attack of any other successful Gadangme Businessman.

The youth shall not sit for our Kings and people to be humiliated on our own land. GaDangmes shall soon take our rightful place in Ghana.

Long live the Gadangme State
Long live Gadangme Business Tycoons
Short live tribal bigots against the Gadangme State

Nii Ayitey Armah
Convenor, Gadangme Elites

Nii Odartey Osro Majemabu
Executive Secretary, Gadangme Elite’s

Nii Kpakpo Zumstar
Organizer/Press Secretary

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