Youth Activist Writes:
“Yet, Another Hollow Message Delivered By The So-Called Economic Messiah – Mr. Bawumia Told

Yet another empty delivery by Dr. Mahamoudu Bawumia which keeps me wondering if he’s still the Vice-President and the Head of the Economic Management team of this country or just a commoner like myself.
Dr. Bawumia has sold his integrity the very first day he joined the New Patriotic Party, NPP and his integrity is being drag in the mud. Dr. Bawumia always uses the taxpayers money to organised empty deliveries and last Tuesday being the 2nd November, 2021 was not an exception.
If we could all remember, the promises made by Dr. Bawumia prior to 2016 and 2020 elections as far as Ghana’s economy was concerned, but almost six years now and we are rather experiencing (worse than before) retrogress instead of progress in our economy since the NPP took power.
No wonder he did not received any award as one of the best countries with good Economic Management team. He’s just a bag of lies.
He, Bawumia known in Ghana’s politics as “BAWULIAR”, should tell the whole world “how” and “what” changes “Digitization” has brought to the ordinary Ghanaians like myself. Does it provide citizens with job? or it reduces unemployment among the teeming youth?. Do you remember what the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta said recently?.
What is the importance of “Digitization” if it doesn’t serve its purposes?.
Today, Ghana’s public debt stock shot up by ¢27.8 billion in April 2021 and May 2021 to ¢332.4 billion. As at March 2020, our public debt was GH 235 billion and 120.3 billion as at December 2016. Your government is struggling to service interest on public debt; as a result lenders have started charging penalties on delayed interest payments. Have you forgotten that, our debt levels are so high that we risk becoming a high debt distress country?. Yet you have failed to show humility and competence in fixing your mess.
Now, on the rant about data, Available data points to your monumental failure to keep your word to the Ghanaian people, I want to remember what Ghanaians want to know and not digitization:
1) When is Dr. Bawumia/Bawuliar going to make available the $18 billion Chinese loan he promised us?
2) When is he going to draw down on the $2 billion sinohydro loan?
3) What happened to “No village in Ghana will have a challenge with toilet and water provision within 2 years of an NPP Government?”
4) How about your promise that “Every Ghanaian will have a bank account by end of 2018.
5) Cedi arrested and the keys given to the IGP? Yet you have failed to check the free fall of the cedi.
6) The promise of providing the necessary incentives for private sector participation in health service delivery remains a mirage. What happened to it?
7) Implementing policies that will reduce the cost of doing business has been a hoax.
8) The pledge to provide a reliable and cost effective mix of energy supply for businesses has probably been long forgotten.
9) Pursuing aggressive industrialization and value addition to agricultural produce has not seen the light of day.
10) The much touted allocation of US$1 million annually per constituency has become a bitter fallacy.
11) The promise to develop interconnected roads, railways, ports and harbor (RRHPs) system remains a pipe dream.
12) The Water For All Programme has become another deception.
13) Dr. Bawumia’s promise to construct 570 dams in 2017 adds to his tall list of empty rhetoric.
14) Reducing the corporate tax rate from 25% to 20% has still not materialized.
15) The pledge to provide incentives for the hospitality and creative arts industry that will enable them create jobs has been another fiasco.
16) The promise to build hospitals in districts that lack them was totally forgotten until COVID-19 exposed the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia administration.
The litany of broken promises and outright deception is endless. I can go on and on.
Dr. Bawuliar eeiyii, pay attention to the data contained in the NPP 2016 manifesto and numerous promises you made in your r