IYF Founder To Launch Clean Accra Project on Wednesday

The founder of International Youth Fellowship (IYF), Rev. Dr. Ock Soo Park will on Wednesday launch the “IYF Clean Heart, Clean Accra Project.

The project is to facilitate the drive in making Accra the cleanest city in Accra.

It would be recalled that the President Nana Addo Danquah Akufo Addo prior to the 2016 general elections made a promised to the people Accra that he would make the city one of the cleanest in Accra.

Though the Regional Minister, hon. Henry Quartey has also launched a campaign to clean the city some months ago.

Relative to this, it is not clear if this will part of the initiative by the government to ensure cleanliness in the city.

The South Korean Rev. Minister is billed to meet and discuss issues rounding the project with the president Nana Akufo Addo during his visit to the country.

In a statement signed by the communications Director for IYF Ghana, Federick Tetteh indicated that most of the discussions with the President would centred on the proposed construction of a multi-purpose youth center for the young people of Ghana.

This according to the statement, would be supplemented by MOU signing ceremonies between the IYF on one hand and some government agencies namely the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ghana Broadcasting Corporation and some of the public tertiary institutions to forge partnership for the use of the” MINDSET EDUCATION CONCEPT” as a tool to facilitate the project.

By: thealhajj.com

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