By : Godwin Ako Gunn
The Volta Regional retreat was a success, but nothing fills my mind more than the sight I left with from the Trafalgar hospital yesterday as we visited Comrade Selasi Tsikata who was rushed there the previous night after collapsing during the retreat.
The quest to build a formidable party, and to regain power, has come to many with a cost. Some have lost their lives through unfortunate circumstances with all the burdens on their families. Speedy recovery Comrade Selasi Tsikata, Anlo constituency Secretary. Your presentation and that of your other constituency Secretaries were excellent!!!
Minutes after our Comrade Selasi finished his presentation on behalf of the Anlo constituency, he collapsed. He had lost energy and was rushed to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, executives were calling all known doctors and health practitioners to meet us at the hospital.
Let me appreciate the Volta Regional Executives, members of parliament led by Hon Avedzi, former ministers and what have you.
Comrades, let’s appreciate our sacrifices each day, from the branches through to national. Though these offices come with no allowances, or salaries, many do it with passion because of their conviction about the social democracy
I can’t be silent on the Anlo Chairman, who had to cancel all activities planed for Monday to stay on till his wife comes took over. Things we do for the love of NDC.
The picture painted to the wife, made her know that, for the next weeks, everything will come to a stand still for her. She must be with the husband until he regains consciousness and fitness.
Oh women, how blessed we are to have you. Our successes have always depended on you. May we have the energy to love you and only you. May we wipe your tears each day even when we don’t understand why you are crying. I admire your strength, women, we will never let your sweat be in vain.
Comrades, living the hospital, a lot went through my mind. By this time someone may be at the printing press designing a poster to contest him and take over from him. Another may also be looking for stories to take round to unseat him ( a normal thing in our politics ).
There he lies, struggling to move his feet and hands. Politics a real unrewarding profession !!!
After all the political backbiting, pull him down, cutting grass under people’s feet, let’s remember those who have also sacrificed for this party because the next generation is watching. How can a job without salary end in bitterness for some.
Let’s pray for each other everyday, let’s wish ourselves well so we can have unity of purpose. Speedy recovery to you Selasi and many others who are bedridden, or suffering in one way or the other because of the NDC. Weep not , but pray as we fight for better days ahead all.
Kun fa Yakun